Unwrapping Christmas: A Blend of Traditions

In the festive chaos, Christmas emerges as a fusion of diverse traditions. Ostensibly centered on the Nativity, it unfolds as a perplexing amalgamation of the so-called "sacred" and ingrained secular elements – from the Nazarene to Santa Claus, festive trees, lavish meals, budget-stretching gifts, and an abundance of libations.

How did it arrive at this eclectic blend? Christmas evolved from a melange of influences – Nativity, Nordic folklore, Roman customs, and even ancient births such as Ra and Tammuz. Then there's the irony in the Bible's Jeremiah 10, cautioning against tree decorations, juxtaposed against our modern fascination with  decorated trees.

Once tethered to Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus has transformed into a secular emblem of joy. Gift-giving, rooted in the Magi's offerings, has metamorphosed into a frenzied shopping spree.

Alcohol also joins the revelry, with holiday cheer often leading to clinking glasses, blurring the line between merriment and excess.

In the midst of this whirlwind, Christmas becomes a tapestry woven with threads of the Nazarene, Ra, Tammuz, Jeremiah 10, and Santa Claus. So rather than resolving this confusion, perhaps our mandate and journey is about seeking truth and meaning, understanding the interplay of influences and how the global system shapes and controls our thoughts, speech, and behavior. It's a medley of history, mythology, tradition, cautionary verses, and occasional toasts – a celebration that, despite its confusion, invites us to partake and "find joy" in this ever-consuming consumerism spree. No deep contemplation required; just savor the moment, whether through imbibing in spirits or indulging in the remnants of the indoctrination system. Cheers!


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