Title: Choosing Mazal Over Religion: A Journey Through Life, Progeny, and Sustenance

Choosing Mazal Over Religion: A Journey Through Life, Progeny, and Sustenance 

Our belief system plays a pivotal role in shaping our worldview. For some, religious figures like Yoshke once stood as the bedrock of their perspective. Without questioning, such beliefs could persist, steering our understanding of reality indefinitely. 

However, intellectual growth is spurred by the act of questioning. Scrutinizing our beliefs triggers an exploratory journey into our deepest convictions. This expedition may reveal fundamental flaws in our previous understanding. With this newfound insight, we can realign our belief system, which in turn, opens the pathway for novel inquiries and personal transformation.

Life is essentially an expedition into the unknown, a voyage that remains largely enigmatic until our final moments. A realization dawned upon me recently: this unknown is not a cause for fear but an integral part of our existence, worthy of our embrace. We are explorers, each of us driven by our individual mazal - a term in Torah representing our intimate relationship with Hashem, signifying life (chayim), progeny (banim), and sustenance (mazon). Mazal fuels our expedition, rendering life an exhilarating journey.

Life presents us with a choice. We can either live with mazal, which implies living with divine providence (living with God) in the world, or we can live by religion and religious doctrines. The former can be perceived as a path to freedom, a life guided by the elements of mazal - life, progeny, and sustenance. In contrast, choosing religion could be seen as a form of servitude, binding us within the rigid confines of a very much status quo pre-determined belief system which is very constricted. 

Human nature compels us to seek certainty, to yearn for a clear vision of the end. However, absolute knowledge of the outcome is not our destiny. While our Torah learning through discovering inyan, offer glimpses into possible futures, they still cannot provide complete certainty. The beauty of the journey lies in its inherent mystery and the thrill of discovery.

The nature of our ultimate destination remains shrouded in mystery, but one certainty prevails - it will transcend our traditional notions of goodness. With this in mind, the ultimate pursuit becomes a continuous process of self-improvement and personal growth. When we opt for the freedom offered by living with mazal, we savor the journey. After all, it is this expedition, enriched by the elements of mazal, that constitutes the essence of our human experience. 

Mazal Tov & Shavua Tov.


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