Possible list of topics

I have compiled a list of possible topics that M would like to cover in Kosher Universal Spirituality. Please feel free to add more topics and ideas:

The Search for God: Finding God in Religions

Emunah (Faith) 

The Relationship between Physicality and Spirituality

The Obstacle: Ger is convert

The Importance of Mazal (Chayim, Banim & Mazon)

Living with Mazal

God consciousness vs Religion

The Importance of Inyan 

Your Vocation is a Real Connection with the Creator: "Occupational Torah"

A Quantum Awakening: The Subconscious Mind

God Consciousness vs Religion

Why Not Convert to Judaism?

Adam and Eve: The Relationship between Israel and the 70 Nations

Jews are the Soul and Gerim are the Body

Understanding Tzvei Dinim (Two Aspects of God's Judgment)

The Erev Rav Who Joined Israel Coming out of Egypt

The True Meaning of the Terms "Israel and My People"

Jethro the Ultimate Ger

Naaman, Ovadyah, Og, Mordochai the Jew, Daniel, King David and Aravnah

The Rabbi and the Emperor

Solomon and Hiram

The Ger Toshav and Jubilee (Rambam, Usirei Beah 14:7)

Different Types of Gerim

God Loves the Ger (46 times mentioned in the Chumash)

The Evil Inclination and the Subconscious Mind

Genesis 4: Cain Reprimanded to Improve Himself

Shituf (The One Thing Standing in the Way of the Final Redemption)

Torah Learning and How to Learn

The Concept of Always Looking it up to Elevate Religion (The Hava Minah)

Mitzvot are NOT Commandments


Where You Are Now is Perfect: Improve on That Every Day

The Goy that Studies Torah is under the Death Penalty

The Goy that Keeps Shabbat is under the Death Penalty

Rambam: There is no ger toshav today

The Rebbe's Sicha

Rabbi Nachman on ger

The Sheva Mitzvot

Improving Midot (poorly translated as character traits)

The Goy that Keeps Shabbat is Under the Death penalty

The Eved Kanani

Ger and Shabbat

Always keep a clear distinction between Jew and Ger

Ger is a coordinate and not a permanent status.

The Jew is the Light and Ger the Glow

Yacov and Esav

The holy head of Esav

Nefesh HaGer

Wealth = Health & Wellness

Tzvei Dinim: Brisker Torah Concept

Parashat Jethro

Devarim 14:21

Yeshayahu 56 Ben Necher & Ben HaNecher

Angels and Inyan


The shattering of the vessels

130 years 

Mixed multidude (erev rav)

Esav & Yosef 

The two Laws system

Makkos 9 a

Avodah Zara 64b

Keritot (a)

Megilla 13a

Usurei Biah 14:7

My People

The Children of Israel & The People

Kahal Israel: The 4 Houses (Kohen Levi Israel Ger)

The 10 sefirot

Words with meaning

devar Torah

Brachah (Tosefet v'reboi)

Ger Shemitgayer 

Ger Gerurim

Ger Tzedek

Ger Toshav

Ger Gamor


Making Kabbalah

Three chaverim

Everything is about Inyan

Inyan is the secret to living a successful life by walking with God in the physical world 

What is the teivah (Ark)

Solomon & Inyan

The Kings of Edom lived before Creation

Understanding the soul

Making the Name YHVH One

The Nogah (glow)


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