
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Path to True Spirituality: The transfomation out from the Tree of Knowledge to the Tree of Life

Amid the rich mosaic of human existence, we often find religion to be a complex veil that conceals the profound truth about our spiritual essence. It is only when we individually awaken to the realization that we are divine souls temporarily immersed in the physical realm that the radiant light of enlightenment begins to shine upon us. Regrettably, religion, whether intentionally or unintentionally, has frequently obscured this fundamental truth, making it seem as though it is the exclusive path to spiritual fulfillment. This notion beautifully aligns with the profound concepts found in Kabbalistic teachings, particularly the states of Mochin d'Gadlut and Mochin d'Kadnut. This transformative journey is the journey out of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and into the tree of life. From a kadnut state of mind to a gadlut state of mind.  A significant portion of humanity remains in slumber, oblivious to this transcendent reality. Many do not even realize that they should be