
What humanity is truly in need of is Liberation from Religious Dependence

In the quagmire of human existence, religion has long been portrayed as a guiding light, offering solace, purpose, and community. Yet, beneath its veneer of sanctity lies a profound paradox—a trap ensnaring the minds of millions, stifling the very essence of independent thought. From the cradle, we are indoctrinated into belief systems that demand obedience and blind faith. We are taught to relinquish our autonomy, surrendering our critical faculties at the altar of tradition. But what if we dared to question? What if we dared to challenge the shackles of religious dependency? Religion, in its essence, is a construct of control—a tool wielded by the powerful to subjugate the masses. It preaches obedience and conformity, promising salvation in exchange for unwavering allegiance. Yet, beneath its façade of righteousness lies a sinister agenda—a suppression of individuality, a stifling of dissent. It is time to break free from the chains that bind us—to reclaim our autonomy, our sovereign